December 20, 2006
Time for some more Tech Talk: PS3 verses Gears of War – what game system to buy?
I don't have much time for video games anymore but I can't help but feel some excitement when I read about the new systems coming out; I guess it's my inner geek coming out... Between the two powerhouse video game machines available right now, the 360 and the PS3, I might need to revise my earlier theory that the PS3 is a better purchase than the 360; especially for this holiday season of 2006. Mostly thanks to the Gears of War trailer I saw in a theater before a movie recently, the game looked breathtakingly gorgeous on a theater-size screen; and although I was annoyed that a video game trailer was showing a before the movie I was waiting to see, I must admit that was a really smart marketing strategy. Showing the graphic capabilities of the game on a movie theater screen using the song 'mad world' which many gamers will connect with because of it's association with the cult classic film Donnie Darko, and the lyrics match very well with the concept of playing a game like Gears. I heard on the Podcast 'Press Start' (a podcast about video games by NPR) that part of the fun of Gears of War is that the developers used live action footage to inspire the camera dynamic of the game, so there is shakiness and it feels much more like you're playing in a movie environment and not detached as you can feel in a lot of similar games.
Still from what I've read so far about the PS3 verses the 360, it seems to indicate the PS3 is a better piece of hardware. The 360 has been on the market for a year, so there has been enough time for developers to create a an impressive game such as Gears. In a year from now, the PS3 may have some spectacular games to offer as well. So if it's a choice between the systems, it's a tough call but I'd go with the PS3 if you can spare 600 bucks. If you can afford to have all three next gen systems (because how can you NOT want to own the inexpensive innovative and fun little Nintendo Wii?) then I'd get the 360 now and get the PS3 sometime next year. The Wii should be first on your list.